Saturday, April 17, 2010

Snow Geese in April (for Jane)

Finally, this aging poet has written a new poem.

Here it is,

Snow Geese in April (for Jane)

Snow geese

Like flying ribbons

Of confetti

Cross the sky

Then settle as silently

As snow

On muddy fields

Bursting with seed

Mount Baker

Rises above a crazy quilt

Of tulips

Like a porcelain plate

Propped against

A dark mantle of ridges

We have come late

To the garden

Full of girlish chatter

Belying our age

Speaking of journeys

And mountains to climb,

Whether the traveler

Crosses continents

Or ponders

The silent galaxy

Of spiders hatching

Under an eave

Karen Sykes (Waring)
Roozengaarde, April 16, 2010